There is sometimes a very rare occurrence in which a business will show up in the Google Maps listing within Google Search yet will not have a website. Note that this is extremely rare if a competitive keyword is searched. Almost every time this happens, it is the Google Algorithm trying to offer any Maps listing search result where it makes sense. This means the Algorithm will pull data from other websites such as Yelp, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, local directories and Chambers of Commerce.
If someone searches for a professional cleaner in Louisburg, NC two of the three Map listings in the search results are businesses that do not have websites. It looks like this:
With a business such as a professional or commercial cleaning service, it is not uncommon to not have a website. In another industry such as dentistry or orthodontia, almost every single practice has a website. In fact, if they do not, they are likely losing a lot of potential business by not having a website.
If you are in a business in which you are not certain if you need a modern, high quality website, allow GO Media to help you better understand the marketing opportunities that are going to be most valuable for you. It may be the case that owning a small service business in a remote town means you do not need a fancy website. A landing page website with some traditional marketing might be the best bang for your buck. If you are in an area such as Raleigh, Durham or Chapel Hill, it is likely the case that no matter what industry you are in, you need a website to get new leads from the Internet.
It never hurts to have a website. If your business needs to grow, one of the quickest ways to do so is to create an Internet presence and spend time perfecting digital marketing. If that is beyond the scope of your team, allow GO Media to take your business to the next level.