Every single day we get asked the question, “how does my business get more Internet or web traffic?” This is a loaded question as there are many easy ways to cut corners and get traffic, but not all traffic is equal. With that being the case, all Internet traffic is definitely not high quality traffic. In years past there was an SEO strategy called “social bookmarking SEO”. Basically, a website owner would submit a post or page to a website in hopes of getting upvotes, thumbs up, stumbles, props or diggs. The traffic from those sites could far dwarf Google search traffic but it never converted. In any way. There was definitely value in the link building, in terms of SEO, but the traffic directly from those sites was very low value.
Fast forward 15 years and now it is social media. All small businesses want traffic from Facebook and Instagram and TikTok, etc. So much so that the are willing to pay a significant amount even if that traffic never converts into any type of business. Facebook has made a tremendous amount of money in the last 10 years by simply sending traffic to websites. The large majority of this traffic never converts into any type of business or revenue.
Before assuming all Internet traffic has the same value, it is always important to remember what allowed you to build your business. It takes time, hard work and strategy. That is the exact opposite of what it takes to get traffic from social media. It is off the cuff, quick and little to no strategy. In fact, countless “social media experts” thrive on just winging it and seeing what happens. SEO and ranking in Google search takes time and is difficult for a reason. It is extremely high value. Traffic from organic search converts at an exponential rate higher than traffic from social media.
If you are looking to grow traffic to your business website, contact GO Media today.