There are hundreds of different factors and metrics involved in SEO. Anyone with an analytical mind has gone down rabbit holes trying to figure out why a specific page on Website A ranks highly but a different page on Website A ranks very poorly. Is it a domain level issue? Is it an issue with the content on the page? Is it the links? The page speed? Does one page have a YouTube video embedded but the other page does not? Does the number of words on a page matter. And on and on. Before going down any of these rabbit holes, it is important to understand one thing. As a website owner, you can only control what you can control. The most important SEO factor is consistency.
The biggest issue we see with website owners, content creators and claimed SEO experts is they try something for a week or a month and then completely change their strategy. It sometimes takes Google over an entire month to simply crawl a single page. The websites that get the most traffic and do the best in terms of SEO remain consistent with their strategy. The strategy that has stood the test of time with Google is to create unique and high quality content while also achieving highly authoritative links. The former is much easier to control than the latter. It is almost clockwork that a client will come to us with an idea to create several pieces of content each month. By month number two (2) they have exhausted their energies and completely stop with content creation or working with us to publish content. This is the death knell when it comes to SEO.
Understand that it can sometimes take as long as a year for Google to assign a “score” to content on a website. Once again, there are hundreds of factors that come into play when it comes to high quality content. The most important thing is to create content that searchers using Google want to consume. If you wouldn’t read the content, searchers do not want to read the content.
In a day and age in which most people consume content through video, the written word is a lost art. This is a huge opportunity for all businesses. Contact GO Media today so we can discuss ways in which your website can create consistent content that ranks high in Google and gets consumed by Internet users. Come back to this page next month to read about consistency with link building.