There has been much confusion when it comes to blog posts versus pages on a WordPress website. In 2006 and 2007 many of the message boards and rumor mills hypothesized that Google ranked blog posts faster than pages. The reason this was often the case was WordPress built in pingomatic into the backend meaning that each time a new blog post was published, it would ping the search engines. There was a time when Google was not the dominate search engine and website owners wanted to ping all the search engines including Yahoo!, Excite, Lycos, AOL, AltaVista and Webcrawler. While it may sound shocking, there was also a time in which search engines not named Google actually provided the most traffic to a website. That is not the case in 2023.
Google owns over 75% of search queries and the only real search engine that SEO experts even think about is Google. Is it the case that in 2023 a blog post is immediately pinged and will show up in Google Search? Absolutely not. From 2006 to 2015 Google offered a free service known as Google Webmaster Tools. After many iterations, that service is now known as Google Search Console. It is very different but still offers website owners to submit a page, blog post or URL to Google to let the spiders know a new page is live.
There were several years between 2006 and 2015 that as soon as a page, blog post or URL was submitted to Google Webmaster Tools it almost immediately showed up in Google Search. This made SEO a very interesting world as content creators knew they could publish a blog post on a highly authoritative website, submit to Google Webmaster Tools and immediately start getting traffic. Google became privy to this and quickly changed the ability to get ranked in search quickly. It is no longer the case that pagerank websites of under 5 or 6 can get indexed within a week and sometimes even a month.
At GO Media, we work to make certain your new content is submitted to Google Search Console but the Google Spiders now have a lag period in which it takes time for a new post or page to show up in search. Google did this to combat all the “click bait” articles that were everywhere from 2009-2014. While there is still click bait all over Facebook and other social media websites, it is often the case that Google provides very high quality results to their searchers.