There have been many rumors floating around that Google and TikTok are working together on a separate search bar for the TikTok app. We all know that more and more people are searching on TikTok as it has become the DIY and How To app for anyone under the age of 50. If you are under the age of 25 you likely use TikTok for almost all your information. Google is very well aware that search volume has decreased in the last several months and it is no surprise that TikTok is taking this search volume. TikTok has a tremendous social media algorithm but everyone knows Google has the best search algorithm. It makes perfect sense that these two companies would work together to provide a social media and search app within one.
In the next several months and especially in 2024, we are going to see more of this implementation into the TikTok app. It is interesting that Google has many apps that are used on a daily basis (Gmail, YouTube, Google Search) but most of them would not be considered fun or entertaining. One could definitely argue that YouTube is fun and entertaining but most of the money earned through YouTube is on the serious videos that are How To’s.
TikTok is an incredible app when it comes to life hacks and figuring out ways how to do something more efficiently. High school and college students use TikTok to find out ways to color their hair, create funny Halloween costumes and pick out the best gifts for a significant other. That said, TikTok could significantly improve their search functionality. While the search functionality does it job, it could be significantly better. With Google knowing search algorithms better than anyone, look for TikTok search to improve in the early part of 2024.